Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter November 2015

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding areas since 1975 NOVEMBER 2015 LSHCF Thanksgiving Fellowship Sunday, November 22, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Family and friends of the residents of Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility are invited to join our annual Thanksgiving celebration. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share and enjoy fellowship with us. There will be dessert tables set up in the North and South Dining Rooms and the FitzRoy unit. Family is what this season is all about and we hope to have a great turn out for our residents. L A KE STO CKTO N H E AL T HC A RE F A C IL IT Y PO BO X 945 ST O C KT O N, M O e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 6 5 7 8 5 -0945 ( 417) 276 - 5126 F A X ( 417 )276 - 6 2 2 2 A D M INIST RAT IO N: KE V IN CO ST EL L O , A D M INI ST RATO R These photos from 2014 Thanksgiving family fellowship include tables full of desserts and family visits like Marsha and Blanche Cowan. Veteran Support New to the calendar is a Wednesday afternoon activity called “Veteran Support”. We plan to send cards, letters and packages to both active members and veterans of our armed forces. We would appreciate any input from community members in order to help us gather names and addresses of anyone who fits this description. We would like to salute the veterans currently residing in LSHCF: Army: Navy: Marines: Joe Thrailkill Betty Buchanan Joe Clayton Bill Savage Sam Bough Coast Guard: Zoe Combs Willis Cagle Don Clark Don Moore Arnold Brubeck Air Force: Cleet Hopkins Jack Zerkle Marvin Dean C A RRIE ME E KS, D IRE C TO R OF NU RSING RH O ND A C UL BE RT SO N, BIL L ING CO ORD INA TO R D E BRA STO CKT O N, SO C IAL SE RV IC E S SU ZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NM E NT A L SE RV ICE S PA M C HISM , NU T RIT IO NAL SE RV IC ES C H E RYL A HL ERS, A C T IV ITY D IRE C TO R RYA N KE IT H , M A INTE NA NCE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!!