Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter June 2019

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 J UNE 2 0 1 9 Fathers Day Fish Fry on Friday, June 14 Bring a dessert and join our celebration! The nutritional services team will provide side dishes and beverages. The Lions Club will fry the fish at the facility. Staff and residents will be served at their reg- ular meal times. Visitors may join us from 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. National Skilled Nursing Care Week Photos L A KE ST OC KT ON H EA LTH C A RE FA C IL IT Y 1 523 3 RD R OA D P O BO X 945 S T OC KT ON , MO 6 5785 -0 945 4 17 -276 -5 126 FA X 417 -2 76 -622 2 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ A D M IN IS TRA TI ON : K EV IN C O ST EL LO , A D M IN IS TRA TO R C A R R IE MEE KS , D IR EC T OR OF NU RS IN G C A T RENA MA R T IN , B U S INE SS OF F IC E D E BRA ST OC K TON , S OC IA L SE RV IC E S Mercy Espino wins the shoe toss with 90 points! Roger says, “Take the shoe and give me a lariat and I’ll show you how it’s done!” S U ZA NN E C O X , E NV IR ON MEN TA L S ERV IC ES C H E LS I E H U D S ON , NU TR IT I ONA L SE RV IC E S C H E RY L A H L ER S, A C T IV I TY D IR EC T OR Good old fashioned Brush Arbor Meeting with the First Southern Baptist Church R YA N KE I TH , M A INT ENA NC E “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!! Online Access to LSHCF Newsletter If you would like to receive the LSHCF newsletter elec- tronically, please call Cheryl Ahlers, Activity Director, at 417-276-5126. It’s a great way to stay informed on upcoming events.