Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter February 2015

LSHF Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility FEBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Valentine’s Party The St. Peter Catholic Church will sponsor our party on Friday, Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. Our residents will enjoy cake, punch and live entertainment. Live Simply, Laugh Often, Love Much, Speak Kindly, Care Deeply, Expect Little, Give Generously, Trust in the Lord with all your Heart. LAKE S TOCKTON Happy Valentines Day to our special couples! Rudi & Loretta Basecke Billy & Phyllis Taylor Willis & Janice Cagle Bob & Anice DeBord James & Norma Roy Robert & Jean Coale Ed & Faye Fletcher Carl & Alice Campbell Kenton & Doris Wood HE ALT HCAR E F ACIL I T Y PO BOX 945 S TOCKTON , MO e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 65785-0945 ( 417) 276 -5126 F AX ( 417) 276 -6222 ADMIN IS TR AT ION : Winter Crafts We had fun on Wednesday, Jan. 7 putting a bright spot on a dreary winter day. The wreath we made, which is displayed in the main dining room, is a pattern shared by the KY3 FYI Guy. We also made snowmen from a pattern that was shared by Nancy Ochs. Nancy even supplied us with the empty coffee creamer jars. Those participating in the project were: Faye McKeever, Geraldine Pinkman, Blanche Cowan, Mary John Cowan, Della McGill, Juanita Yaw, Ann Gabriel, Bee Luttrull, Alba Campbell, Susie Smith and Veda Mae McAnally. KEVIN COS TELL O, ADM INISTR ATOR CARRIE ME EKS , DIRE CTOR OF NURSING R HONDA CULB ER TSON, BI LLING COORDINATOR DEBRA STO CKTON , SOCIAL SER VI CES SUZANNE COX , E NVIRONMENT AL SER VI CES PAM CHISM , N UTRI TION AL S ERVI CES CHERYL A HLERS , ACTI VI T Y DIR E CTOR DENNIS MIL EY, MAINT EN ANCE