Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter August 2019

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 A UGUST 2 0 1 9 Fun! Fun! Fun! at the Annual County Fair at LSHCF on Aug. 16, 2 p.m. We will have the dunk Tank, Snow Cones and summer time games! L A KE ST OC KT ON H EA LTH C A RE FA C IL IT Y 1 523 3 RD R OA D P O BO X 945 S T OC KT ON , MO 6 5785 -0 945 4 17 -276 -5 126 FA X 417 -2 76 -677 6 Change in leadership at Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation announces the resignation of Kevin Costello, Administrator of Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility effective July 31. Cos- tello has been the administrator of LSHCF, formerly known as Stockton Nursing Home, for 30 years. CMH Foundation is conducting a search for Costello’s replacement, and daily operations will be managed during the interim by Chris McBratney, CMH adminis- trative director of LTC West. “Kevin’s leadership and genuine love for the residents is what has made Lake Stockton an outstanding facility. The staff is committed to continuing that legacy of providing exceptional service and care, which is Lake Stockton’s hallmark of excellence,” says Donald J. Babb, CEO/executive director of Citizens Memorial Hospital and CMH Foundation. “We can’t thank Kevin enough for his years of ser- vice to the residents and staff, and for being an integral part of the Stockton community for so many years.” LSHCF is one of six CMH Foundation long-term care facilities. Completed in spring 2019, the 90-bed facility offers skilled-nursing care, inpatient and outpatient reha- bilitation and memory care. For more information about Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility, call 417-276-5126. e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ A D M IN IS TRA TI ON : K EV IN C O ST EL LO , A D M IN IS TRA TO R C A R R IE MEE KS , D IR EC T OR OF NU RS IN G C A T RENA MA R T IN , B U S INE SS OF F IC E D E BRA ST OC K TON , S OC IA L SE RV IC E S S U ZA NN E C O X , E NV IR ON MEN TA L S ERV IC ES C H E LS I E H U D S ON , NU TR IT I ONA L SE RV IC E S C H E RY L A H L ER S, A C T IV I TY D IR EC T OR R YA N KE I TH , M A INT ENA NC E Beat the Heat! We took ad- vantage of the mild temps and low hu- midity on July 11 and 12 and had boccia ball and trivia outdoors on the front patio. “ LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!!