Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter August 2017

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 A UGUST 2 0 1 7 Lake Stockton Celebrates Ground Breaking Ceremony on July 5 L AKE ST OCKT ON H EALT HCA RE F AC IL IT Y P O BOX 9 45 S TOCKT ON, MO e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 6 57 85- 09 45 4 17 -27 6-5 12 6 F AX 4 17 -27 6- 622 2 A D MINISTR AT ION: Excitement was the emotion felt throughout the ceremony. Years of planning, and many great minds working together, has lead us to this moment. We are now looking forward to a completed project in about 14 months. CMH staff, board members from CMH and Stockton Nursing Home, doctors, Stockton Chamber of Commerce members, government leaders, construction and architect administrators, and other individuals from this fine community were present at the event. An ice cream sundae bar was provided as we visited after the ground breaking, discussing our anticipation of great things to come. The site is located next to the Stockton Family Medical Center on South Third St., just across highway 39 from the new high school. Larry Snyder and Company is the construction company that is contracted to build the facility. They have worked many times with CMH on construction jobs in the past and plan to begin right away. K EV IN C OST ELL O, A DMINISTR ATOR C AR R IE MEEK S , D IREC TOR OF NUR S ING C AT RENA MAR T IN, B US INE SS OFF ICE D EB RA S TOCKT ON, S OCIAL SER V ICE S S UZ ANNE C OX , E NV IRONME NTAL S ER VICE S C HEL S IE H UDS ON, NUT R IT IONAL S ERV ICES C HER YL A HLE RS , A CT IV IT Y D IRECT OR R YA N KE ITH , MA INTE NA NCE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!!