Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter April 2020

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 A PRIL 2020 Visitor Restrictions Necessary to be Proactive With our mission to be the first choice for customer focused care, the safety and wellbeing of our residents, their families and the staff at LSHCF is always foremost in our decision making. Out of an abundance of caution and in compliance with the CDC recommendations for COVID-19, significant visitor and activity re- strictions and screenings were implemented in March. Visitation has been restricted to end of life needs only and even then only after screening. All other visitors, including some non-essential services and volun- teers, are restricted at this time. All group activities, including church services and school/intergenerational events, are also suspended. We will be promoting “social distancing,” social media visiting and one-one interactions instead. The calendar on the back and the schedule on Page 3 of this newsletter are tenta- tive and we will resume our regular schedule as soon as the restrictions are lift- ed. Please be assured, our amazing facility Activity Team and all staff are dedi- cated to keeping our residents engaged and meeting their social needs during this time. Families and friends are encouraged to contact Activities for schedul- ing social media interactions (such as Skype and Face-time). We are hoping and praying this virus runs its course soon and we can enjoy an- other beautiful springtime on Stockton Lake! Until that happens, we will make the best we can of circumstances while taking every precaution needed to keep our residents, your loved ones, safe at LSHCF. Sincerely, Chris McBratney, Administrator Community Involvement Front Page News Contest Every year we participate in this Missouri Health Care Association long term care contest. A summary of the highlights of 2019 events in our facility are featured on an 11 x 17 paper, laminated, and entered in the MHCA conference in Jefferson City the first of March. Categories of Black and White or Color had entries from MHCA members all over the state. Our Color entry won 1st Place! We received a plaque and a $100 gift card to be used for our activity department. The entry will be displayed in the activity room for all to see. LAK E S TOCKTO N H EAL THCAR E FAC IL ITY 1523 S . 3R D ROAD PO BOX 945 STO CKTO N, MO 65785-0945 417-276- 5126 F AX 417 -276 -6776 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ ADM I NIS TRAT IO N: CHR IS MC BRAT NEY, ADM I NIS TRATOR ANA PE NNER , DIR ECTOR O F NURSI NG CATR ENA MART I N, BUS INESS O FF IC E D EBRA S TOCKTO N, SOC IAL S ERV IC ES CARR IE ME EKS, MDS COORDI NA TOR SUZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NME NTAL SER VIC ES CH ELS IE HUDSO N, NUTR IT IO NAL SER VIC ES CH ERYL AHLERS , AC TI VI TY D IREC TOR RYA N K EI TH , MA I NT ENA NC E “ LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!!