Lac Ste. Anne County Activity Report LSAC_Flipbook_Activity Report 2016-17_FINAL_HiRes | Page 32


Rural addressing is a standardized system of identifying and locating rural properties . In 2002 , Lac Ste . Anne County began putting into effect a municipal rural addressing system for use by emergency service providers — Fire , RCMP and Ambulance Services — and for other purposes such as providing directions for delivery services .
The Rural Addressing system is a street address that works much like street addresses in an urban town or city . Our Range Roads ( RGE RD ), which run north and south , correspond to Streets , and our Township Roads ( TWP RD ), which run east and west , correspond to Avenues .
The Rural Address for a property is based on the distance from the road junction to the south or east of the driveway ( called the Reference Road , whether built or not ), to the point a property ’ s driveway meets a public road ( called the Access Road ). A Lac Ste . Anne County Rural Address then consists of the Reference Road number , Access Interval number , and Access Road . In Lac Ste . Anne County , Rural Addresses are NOT mailing addresses , and do not replace your legal land description .
Address intervals are 100 metres long with odd numbers assigned to one side and even numbers to the other side . Even numbers are on the north side of Township Roads , and on the west side of Range Roads . These intervals range from 01 to 32 , increasing from the south or east .
DO I HAVE TO HAVE A RURAL ADDRESS ? It is critical that emergency responders locate your home or business in times of emergencies in Lac Ste . Anne County . As such , it ’ s important to have proper signage to get to your property if you require
Fire , RCMP or Ambulance Services . Please make sure your signs are visible . Help us help you by making sure your municipal address sign can be clearly read from the street or road . If you do not have a Rural Address Sign , you can pick up an application form at the Lac Ste Anne County Office , or print off a digital copy from the County website .
Bylaw 15-2002 , the Municipal Addressing System Bylaw , requires that all parcels of land supporting residential , commercial and industrial development with a primary access onto a developed public road right-of-way be assigned an address by Lac Ste . Anne County , and such address must be posted , with the exception of oil and gas industry development , which is regulated by the AEUB .
HOW DO I GET MY RURAL ADDRESS ? Please contact the County office to obtain your rural address . You should have the following information available : legal land description ; lot , block , plan , if applicable ; and the measurement to your approach from the nearest road junction ( Rge Rd , Twp Rd , or Hwy ). An easy way is to use your vehicle odometer to make the measurement .
HOW DO I GET MY SIGN ? The cost of a municipal rural addressing sign and placement for residential , commercial and industrial development taking place after June 1st , 2003 , shall be the responsibility of the property owner , occupant , or developer . Such signage shall be erected within three months after receipt of an approved development permit from the Development Officer . A property owner , occupant , or developer may order sign ( s ) through Lac Ste . Anne County , from another supplier , or make their own as long as the sign ( s ) conform ( s ) to the specifications set out in the County ’ s rural addressing guidelines .
LSAC ACTIVITY REPORT | County Progress 2016 / 17 780.785.3411 www . LSAC . ca