LAC Info Pack 2018 - Local Offer EC8518-3 LAC Info Pack 2018 - Local Offer | Page 6

Help with / n o i t a d o m m o acc housing you stay in care until to u yo e ag ur co We will en e le still live at hom op pe g un yo t os are 18. M se to is age. If you choo th at s ie il m fa r with thei ust the law says we m , 18 e ag re fo be leave care ion. able accommodat it su ve ha u yo at ensure th We know how important it is that you know where you will live once you leave care. Your Personal Adviser will discuss options with you. We will consider your age; personal circumstances; your wishes; and your needs as set out in your Pathway Plan. Your Personal Adviser will help you to find suitable accommodation and provide support to you as you move on. Options: • If this is what you and your foster carers want, support you to remain with your foster carers under a ‘Staying Put’ arrangement until you are 21 • Supported accommodation if you are assessed as needing this in your pathway plan • Support to identify and access different independent housing options including social housing or a private tenancy. Care leavers aged 18-20 years are treated as a priority need group in homelessness legislation and Ealing Homeless Persons Unit can be approached directly or you can ask your Personal Adviser or the Aftercare service for help should you need to.  e are working together with housing services to strengthen our W corporate parenting response to care leavers housing needs. hand a d e e n If y o u orizons H o t e c o m 6