LAC Info Pack 2018 - Local Offer EC8518-3 LAC Info Pack 2018 - Local Offer | Page 10

I have been using m ental health servic es for four years. I myself in diff iculty found with paying my bills and rent and got an notice. My mental eviction health had deterior at ed be ca us e of all the worry. I contacted the Af ter Care team and be cause of the complexity of my ne eds, I was allocated ba ck into the Leavin Care Team and gi g ven an allocated Pe rs on al Ad vi se r. When I felt more able to manage thin gs, I went back to Care team. By aski the After ng for help I was ab le to set up a repa and I received the yment plan help I needed so th at I didn ’ t lose my tenancy’. - MS aged 22 Do to a n s ’t be af k fo raid r he lp arn to I wanted to le n t have drive and did ’ eeded ts I n the documen call to the but I made a team and After Care me through they talked d to do. what I neede no big There were all done forms, it was and I got by phone call I needed.’ exactly what 5 - NF aged 2 10