LABOUR COST IN MALAYSIA 2016 Final Report - National Labour Cost Survey 2016 (F | Page 104

Figure 4-62 : Percentage of employers who paid foreign workers ’ levy in 2015 and total amount of levy paid by industry
4.3 Outsourcing
10 % of all employers profiled outsourced business process or task in 2015 . Each spent an average of RM97,300 per month for about 25 persons to perform the outsourced services . Average expenditure for each person outsourced to ( i . e . from the outsourcing service provider ) was RM4,000 per month . Outsourcing service provider can be an organisation or an individual , who performs the business process or task outsourced by an establishment . The outsourcing service provider is not under the establishment ’ s payroll .
Among the employers who outsourced their business process or task , 90 % of them were in the services and manufacturing sectors . Manufacturing employers incurred the highest average monthly expenditure for outsourcing at about RM150,000 per employer , while establishments in the services sector spent an average of RM70,000 per employer per month . However , the services employers spent more per person outsourced to ( RM6,500 per person per month ) compared to manufacturing employers , who incurred an average expenditure of RM2,200 per person per month .
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