Lab Matters Summer 2019 | Page 86

Presenter: Renee Ned-Sykes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, [email protected] Getting Better All the Time: Building Continuous Improvement into Production of Training Resources by CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems K. Winter, V. Johnson, A. McKnight, K. Clark, J. Rothschild, R. Ned- Sykes and Y. Wilkins, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention To provide laboratory professionals with training about emerging threats, evolving practices, and improvement of safety and quality practices, CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems (DLS) offers free courses in a variety of formats — live, face-to-face seminars and hands-on workshops as well as on-demand webinars and eLearning courses — via Over the past three years, DLS has developed, implemented, and refined a production process that centers on continuous quality improvement, with the ultimate goal of better serving its target audience. This 12-step lifecycle for eLearning course development is guided by the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) instructional design model. The lifecycle is aligned with CDC’s Quality Training Standards (QTS) and allows DLS staff to more accurately forecast project timelines, communicate progress to stakeholders, and ensure consistency across projects. Before developing a functional prototype, an instructional designer creates a storyboard to delineate screen-by-screen details — including multimedia descriptions. This provides multimedia professionals with richer context for how videos, images, and interactive graphics will be integrated with other course content. Staff report that this leads to more expedient creation of multimedia that fits well with the overall course. Before a course is released, at least 3 functional iterations (alpha, beta, and pilot) are created, and there are a minimum of 5 review points to gather feedback from subject matter experts and members of the target audience. Each prototype is informed by recommendations gathered during the previous review step, supporting the goal of continuous improvement. Once courses 84 LAB MATTERS Summer 2019 are available to the public, knowledge assessment and evaluation data are stored in the learning management system (LMS). DLS periodically reviews these data for trends, using the information to guide course improvements. Additionally, learners can reach out directly to DLS through an email address posted within each course ([email protected]). Recently, DLS also has begun to explore the extent to which new technologies such as virtual reality (VR) can enhance knowledge gain and skill adoption. Because the eLearning lifecycle has become such a useful tool for operationalizing and standardizing course production, DLS will use it as a model to create a new lifecycle for VR course production. VR and augmented reality add an element of interactivity, technique-based learning, and assessment that was previously limited to in-person, hands-on training courses. By leveraging a continuous improvement process, DLS hopes to better meet the needs of the target audience, expand its reach into that audience, and incorporate more advanced training into its portfolio of training resources. Presenter: Yescenia Wilkins, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, [email protected] Engaging Children in Science Activities to Build an Interest in STEM Fields J. Yeadon-Fagbohun, R. Gentry, J. Lovchik and M. Grazier, Indiana State Department of Health Laboratories Background: Celebrate Science Indiana is an annual event for Indiana elementary and middle school students (and their parents) to experience the excitement of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with hands-on activities designed to encourage their future participation in STEM-related education, research, and careers. The Indiana State Department of Health Laboratories (ISDHL) is one of more than 50 groups that set up activity booths for this event hosted by the Science Education Foundation of Indiana. The event is held on the first Saturday of October in Indianapolis. Methods: Each year, a team of ISDHL volunteers meets to decide what activities to offer at the booth for the year. It’s important that the booth be interactive, engaging and instructional. ISDHL strives to offer activities to showcase public health, so that in addition to encouraging children to think science is fun, the adults remember the key points of public health. Participants leave the booth with knowledge that good handwashing is essential, and that bacteria are all around us. ISDHL staff volunteer for two-hour shifts throughout the day and have fun interacting with the parents and children. Brochures and teaching pages are also offered at the booth. Results: At the 2018 booth, ISDHL offered several different activities for the children. There was GloGerm to demonstrate handwashing skills, fomites and bacteria on agar plates, awesome agar art, uninoculated agar to touch, a pipetting skills station, and a section all about polymers, such as slime and water orbs. The booth was constantly busy throughout the day with families exploring and asking questions. In addition to helping the children at the different activity stations, ISDHL staff answered questions about different bacteria and health concerns. Conclusions: Participation in the annual Celebrate Science Indiana event gives ISDHL a chance to ensure the public is aware of the Indiana public health lab. It allows us to help cultivate a love for science in children, which may one day help them to consider PublicHealthLabs @APHL collected about the PHL and CL workforces. Of the 227 data sources published 2000-2018 that were included in the literature review, 51% of PHL-related sources and 40% of CL-related sources profiled the workforce (e.g., demographics, educational background, salary) and employers, with the most robust studies focusing solely or largely on workforce and employer profiling. There is large variability in the existence and amount of data related to various other aspects of workforce development, as well as variability between the PHL and CL literature in terms of the workforce development questions or challenges that have been investigated. Generally, though, few sources examined aspects such as: career attractiveness, job readiness of recent graduates, or the impact of certain kinds of education or training on job performance or career progression. Overall, although each workforce is characterized reasonably well, there is a lack of actionable data in a number of areas. To fill some of these gaps, CDC is planning to conduct interviews and focus groups with laboratory professionals and leaders, in addition to conducting secondary analyses of existing relevant data. The strategies for primary data collection and secondary analyses will also be presented. The WALC is expected to better position CDC and its laboratory partners to coordinate, develop, and implement effective, data-driven training programs and other workforce- strengthening initiatives that shape and support a competent and adaptable laboratory workforce.