Lab Matters Summer 2019 | Page 46

APHL 2019 POSTER ABSTRACTS lipid, with a 90th percentile of 304 ng/g lipid, minimum of 13 ng/g lipid, and maximum of 2097 ng/g lipid. Declining trend of measured serum PCB levels from New Jersey residence is observed compared with NHANES 2003-2004 and 2007-2008. The extent of declining varies by both congener and age group. In general, more significant drop was observed on lighter congeners and oldest age group (≥60 years old). Measured serum PCB levels showed age-dependence with the highest ∑PCBs were observed in the oldest age group (≥60 years old), no gender dependence is observed. Factor analysis modeling will be applied to identify the co-varying congener patterns to reveal the contributing exposure factors for the observed variation of measured PCB congeners in collected samples. The findings of this study provided stratified exposure assessment data for PCBs within New Jersey residence. A Cost-Effective Biomonitoring Approach to Identify Vulnerable Subpopulations Using Metals Data Presenter: Songyan Du, New Jersey Department of Health, Ewing, NJ, [email protected] The Metals Laboratory at the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) conducted a large human biomonitoring study analyzing cadmium, lead, and mercury in 3000 blood samples and arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, lead, thallium, and uranium in 1000 urine samples. These analytes were selected due to the severity of health issues stemming from exposure to these toxic metals. Since a full-scale population-based biomonitoring study can be very costly and labor intensive, NJDOH explored a convenience sample-based probing study approach to collect de-identified blood and urine samples from clinical laboratories and blood banks across the state as a cost-effective alternative. Analyzing Commercial Water Bottles for Carcinogenic Hexavalent Chromium A. Steffens, A. Krasley, J. Shah, D. Haltmeier, E. Bind, New Jersey Department of Health To assess the potential health risks posed to the general population and to help inform the public health community, the Metals Laboratory at the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) tested commercially available domestic and imported bottled water for Cr(VI) using a modified version of EPA method 218.6 to achieve a detection limit of 0.01 ppb. The Metals Laboratory tested remnant unopened samples that were collected as part of NJDOH’s yearly bottled water monitoring program. Our findings, spanning three consecutive years, show that Cr(VI) is present in over fifty percent of bottled waters tested. In extreme cases, Cr(VI) levels exceeded 1 ppb (more than fifty times the health limit). Our findings indicate that not all bottled water is a safe alternative for individuals whose tap water is contaminated with Cr(VI). These data also indicate that a federal/state MCL needs to be set and monitored for bottled water. Presenter: Andrew Steffens, New Jersey Department of Health, Ewing, NJ, [email protected] 44 LAB MATTERS Summer 2019 New Jersey has the highest number of Superfund sites in the country and a total of over 15,000 hazardous sites across the state. Environmental pollution has been linked to increased exposure in people and while routine environmental testing works well to monitor known environmental contaminations and risks, it is often costly and does not quantify the exposures in humans. Biomonitoring serves as a complimentary monitoring tool and can provide a meaningful way to identify new exposure trends and hotspots. Our study was able to identify geographical hotspots and trends throughout the state. When combining these data with historical environmental sampling data for lead, we see an overlap with known contamination issues in Newark and other large cities. Overlaying uranium data with geological surveys and current knowledge of water treatment strategies in NJ, the data show exposure occurring where there is no treatment. Further poststratification of the data through gender, age, and race for each toxic metal also provides insight into exposure trends within the study population. The Metals Laboratory data indicate that though our study approach has limitations in that it cannot mimic studies such as NHANES and characterize the exposure of the NJ population, it can be used as a probing tool to identify at-risk subpopulations. Researchers using this approach can then use the data generated to help design more comprehensive and focused biomonitoring studies. Presenter: Andrew Steffens, New Jersey Department of Health, Ewing, NJ, [email protected] A Reduction of PFNA Body Burdens from a Community Exposure to PFNA-contaminated Drinking Water in New Jersey After Interventions C.H. Yu 1 , C. Weisel 2 , S. Alimokhtari 2 , C.D. Riker 1 , Z. Fan 1 ; 1 New Jersey Department of Health, 2 EOHSI-Rutgers University Elevated perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), one of the man-made per/poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), was detected in public water systems and private wells in Paulsboro and West Deptford communities in New Jersey (NJ). Interventions were carried out in these communities by installing granular activated charcoal (GAC) filters in public water system and private wells. However, the communities expressed serious concerns about their exposure to PFNA and effectiveness of interventions. To evaluate the interventions would effectively reduce the body burden, the Public Health and Environmental Laboratories (PHEL), NJ Department of PublicHealthLabs @APHL Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is a naturally occurring element that has been known for decades to cause cancer in humans via inhalation. Though there had been some uncertainty regarding the carcinogenic effect of other exposure routes, recent studies show that oral Cr(VI) exposure leads to an increased risk of cancer, which is concerning because Cr(VI) is present in the tap water of over 200 million Americans. The federal maximum contamination limit (MCL) for total chromium in drinking water is 100 parts per billion (ppb), but there are currently no state or federal MCLs for Cr(VI) and no legal limit for Cr(VI) in bottled water. California set a public health goal of 0.02 ppb of Cr(VI) in drinking water after a series of studies and the Environmental Protection Agency has started conducting a human health assessment for Cr(VI). The Drinking Water Quality Institute in New Jersey is expecting to set the health-based MCL for Cr(VI) to 0.07 ppb for the state of New Jersey. A . Steffens, E. Bind, A, Krasley, J. Mukherjee, D. Haltmeier, C.H. Yu and Z. Fan, New Jersey Department of Health