Lab Matters Spring 2017 | Page 33

institutional research RECRUITMENT & RETENTION LABORATORIAN WORKFORCE SURVEY RESULTS First conducted in 2011, this survey presents a snapshot of the US public health laboratory (PHL) workforce and allows for the tracking of changes and trends. The data below reflect responses to the 2016 Survey from 1338 survey participants from state* PHLs. INTENTION TO REMAIN YEARS IN A PHL AT A PHL FOR AT LEAST __ YEARS Years at any PHL 44 % Years at current PHL 37 % 30 % 27 26 % 22 % 26 % 22 % % 20 % 17 % 11 % 7 13 % % <5 5 -10 11- 20 > 20 SATISFACTION 78% Job Security 76% The Organization 61% Pay 37% PublicHealthLabs 3-4 5 -10 > 10 RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Overall Job Satisfaction ONLY?! 1-2 TOP FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO RATES *states <1 Appropriate Work / Life Balance 1 Valuing Public Service 2 Career Advancement Opportunities 3 While the survey was completed by laboratorians at state, local and institutional PHLs, only the data from those who work at state labs is presented here and in “Moving Up or Moving On.” Why? These data were analyzed as part of a larger project focused on state PHLs, as they have more robust data compared to other types of PHLs. The data from non-state PHLs will be analyzed and shared in the future. @APHL Spring 2017 LAB MATTERS 31