La Petite Summer Print issue 8 | Page 9

la petite team ISSU E N ˚8 Editor In Chief R a c he lle Fr a nc e y Design Director Aly ssa Yuha s Graphic Designer Ana li Wong Copy Editor Ha nna h Johnson Advertising Manager Ly ndsa y Wr ight Submissions c ont a c t @ la pe t it e ma g.c om Contributors K a ro l i n a H e n ke, Max i n e Hel f m an , L ee Cl o wer, R e b e c c a Cohe n, Lind a Alfve gre n, Fe d e ric o Le one , Li Na na , Ha nna h C oat es , K a t e H an s o n , A n o u k Ni ts ch e, Maf er Navas , Cla us Troe lsga a rd , Trine Høye r, Lol Johnson, Gra c e Poulte r, Kris + E ri k , J e ss y Cai n , Eva Bo zzo , Ch ri s ti n a Kapongo, Anne lie Kle in, Ma re e n Ba ye r, Ele na Bofill, Pa tryc ja Jura szc zyk La Petite Magazine all rights reserved. Reproduction, even partial reproduction of all the articles, photographs and illustrations published in La Petite Magazine is forbidden. La Petite Magazine is not responsible for copy, illustrations, photo's for which their authors accept sole responsibility. Their presence in the magazine implies that La Petite is authorized to publish them. La Petite accepts no responsibility for documents submitted. The views in La Petite Magazine are those of the respected contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. © La Petite Magazine 2017 FRONT COVER FR ONT COVER Wears: Tinycottons Jumpsuit & Top Wears: Molo Dress, Ladida Photographer: A n o u k Ni ts ch e Photographer: Ma xine He lfma n Photographer's Assistant: Ro bert Gas co Styling: Anthony Be rmud e z, AB TP Styling and Art Direction: M af er Nava s Hair & Make-up: Le e B e n Ha na n, Agency Styling assistants: Xen i a S o l er & S and ra Be rb e l Ge ra rd Artists Model: Sh u Xi an Ch en Hair & Make-up: Jo s ef i n a 6 | Model: Z a ra R , The Gre e n Age nc y