La Petite ISSUE N˚9 | Page 30

season, we even had to set up a waiting list for brands that wanted to participate! With 27 nationalities represented, it's like a world tour too, and while most of the collections are American, Playtime New York host many creative brands from Europe and Asia. OU T OF THE UP AND C O M IN G BRA N D S, W H O D O Y O U T H I N K WE SHOULD K E E P O U R E YE O N ? Among the new brands presented at the last show, we particularly liked the lifestyle collection of Tiny Rym, the second collection of the Portuguese brand, Barn of Monkeys, and the Spanish brand, Fresh Dinosaurs. FOR T HOSE WHO AR E N O T FA M IL IA R W ITH PL AY T I ME N EW Y O RK , WHAT SHOUL D TH E Y E XPE C T? Playtime New York is a prime destination for anyone who believes work and pleasure should go hand in hand. Above all, it is an inspiring trade show, where buyers and press can get a clear picture of the seasons’ trends. AR E T HERE ANY S UR PRISE S A BO U T TH E SH O W T H I S Y E AR THAT YOU WOU L D BE W IL L IN G TO SH A RE WI T H U S ? Well, our biggest project this year is the launch of Playtime Online, which we are convinced will completely revolutionize the work habits of professional buyers, thanks to features that go much further than anything that already exists on the market! L A PET I T E M A GA Z I N E | 2 7