La Gazelle | Page 109

voyage dans le temps I journey through time I t he travel from Tunis to Bizerte lasted only about fourty minutes. It is 8 o’clock in the morning when we leave the highway and the sun starts to show through the clouds, hidden by a thick fog. Impossible to see beyond three meters ; the fog occupies the place and jealously hides Bizerte surroundings. But this won’t last long, because soon after, the view gets better and we walk across the bridge that leads us, Robert and me, at the foot of the city. We order a latte in a popular local café before meeting our guide at 9 am. Even if I am the only woman here, I feel very comfortable, no one is staring at me. The customers are young, sitting around tables in a smoky atmosphere, playing cards, the “Tarchefi”. The time has arrived to meet our contact at the old port. The dozens of one-way streets block the access and finally, it takes us a while to travel that short distance between us.