Kwench-n:gage Leader Speak Series Issue 1 Volume 5 (August 2017) | Page 14

(n:gage): The use of Social Media as a hiring channel is still unchartered territory to a large extent. However there seems to be a rise of startups (and leading tech companies) that are exploring the use of AI/ML to improve the screening of resumes’. Be it Google struggling to overcome their challenge in hiring non-white, non-Asian employees (2) or recruitment bots Mya that seek to ‘automate’ hiring process (3) – how do you see the technology landscape in recruitment playing out? (especially in the real estate sector) Archana: Real Estate is as inclined to technology advancements as any other industry. Technology advancements in HR are the only way forward. What is needed is to marry the technology available to the needs of the company. I am personally a great believer in using Technology to enhance the employee experience of the operational aspects on HR. HR as a function also needs to use technology for data capturing and data preservation thereby making dependency on HR professional as custodian of information almost negligible. n:gage | August 2017