KU Annual Report 2014 | Page 36

KU Financial Report 5a. Changes in Accounting Policies - Restatement (continued) 5b. (Deficit)/Surplus for the year Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December 2013 Revenue from fees Revenue from non-capital government funding Other revenue Employee costs Operational expenses Occupancy expenses Depreciation & amortisation Administrative expenses Repairs & maintenance Marketing expenses Finance costs Other expenses Government capital grant funding Gain on sale of investments Surplus for the year Previous amount $ 50,150,594 29,848,181 28,038,028 (86,400,498) (4,142,578) (4,048,334) (4,345,250) (6,228,636) (1,459,918) - - (1,267,669) 1,229,236 1,495,630 2,868,786 Adjustment Restated amount $ $ 13,068,946 63,219,540 6,863,072 36,711,253 (20,478,097) 7,559,931 4,060,595 (82,339,903) (4,109,392) (8,251,970) (767,060) (4,815,394) (4,286) (4,349,536) 1,670,611 (4,558,025) (46,026) (1,505,944) (268,010) (268,010) (31,076) (31,076) (21,350) (1,289,019) 62,073 1,291,309 - 1,495,630 - 2,868,786 5b. (Deficit)/Surplus for the year 2014 $ 2013 $ (i) Revenue from fees Parent’s fees 66,796,117 63,219,540 (ii) Revenue from non-capital government funding Government funding 36,769,013 36,711,253 1,252,252 630,798 666,897 37,695 133,919 2,323,822 - (4,315) 649,774 5,690,842 1,158,879 672,956 635,758 147,496 162,537 4,012,512 90,904 441,734 237,155 7,559,931 (iii) Other revenue Other revenue from ordinary operations consisted of the following items: Management fees Gross fundraising income Interest income Consultancy fees Sales of publications and courses Sponsor support Investment income (Loss)/Gain on disposal of PPE Other sundry revenue 119th Annual Report 2014 (iv) Other income Government capital grant funding Realised gain on investment (v) (Deficit)/Surplus (Deficit)/Surplus has been arrived at after (charging)/ crediting the following items: Depreciation and amortisation of property, plant and equipment and intang