KU Annual Conference 2018 KU Annual Conference Program | Page 6

Keynote Speaker STEVE SAMMARTINO Steve Sammartino is Australia’s most respected futurist and media commentator on emerging technology. Steve is one of the world’s most engaging and thought-provoking keynote speakers on the Future. Steve is the author of bestselling books on the technology revolution. His book ‘The Lessons School Forgot’ identifies skills needed to be developed now and 6 in the future, to navigate and thrive in a society which is being shaped in the technology era. His keynote address will challenge educators to reinvent thinking about reshaping teaching and learning that is congruent with the shifting demographic of contemporary society and the challenge of digital literacy and technologies. Steve is a Technology reporter for ABC Radio National and the in-house futurist for 3AW and provides expert assessment on the rapidly evolving technology sector. His breadth of experience gives him an uncanny ability to make sense of how technology is shaping society and the economy. KU Annual Conference 2018