Kriti Foundation | Page 6

Miss Representation: Potrayal of Women in the Media Sangeeta Saxena omen's portrayal in the media has been a point of strong international debate. And since women constitute half the society, how the fairer sex is projected in the media cannot be overlooked. W The film industry is seen as not only promoting stereotypes, but also discriminating against older women in leading roles by having initiated use of body doubles for actresses who have less than idealized body proportions. There is simply no equality when it comes to the portrayal of women in the media, whether it's on the news pages, in advertisements, in television soaps or on the big screen. And the new media which has swept everyone in its wave is no exception. And if we take a peep into these media in India, images of women are glamorous, the sainted mother, the devious witch, the hardfaced corporate and political climber