Knowledge without frontiers Knowledge Without Frontiers | Page 9

the world into “ours” and “theirs”, in to “us” and “them”, to help them understand and appreciate that almost nothing is forever and what today is “ours”, might be tomorrow “foreign”. We would like them to look beyond the known, to move across different borders, both the visible ones, but even more impor- tantly, the invisible. An old African proverb says: “A thought does not travel further than the view”. TO CONCLUDE This whole project is a product of various facts, obvious ones and peculiar ones: the ref- ugee “crises” in Europe, that eternal question of how to make this world a better place and questioning the role of museums in society today. And to conclude, we would like you to hear a Slovene rap song called ‘From People to Peo- ple’ by Murat & Jose. These few words from their song sum up the aims of the exhibition perfectly: “It does not matter where you come from, what counts is what’s going on in your mind” 7 . 7 The translation of this lines from Slovene language is by authors of this paper. The original goes like this: » važno od kje kdo prihaja, važ’n je kaj mu v glavi dogaja,..« 9