Knowledge without frontiers Knowledge Without Frontiers | Page 83

The statue of Primož Trubar, the work of sculptor Franc Berneker, was erected in 1910 during the period when Ivan Hribar was the mayor of Ljubljana. It was located in what was then the Bleiweis Park infront of the Narodni Dom, joined later by the Orthodox church in the background. Photo: Irena Marušič, Technical Museum of Slovenia. Literature: Sitar, Sandi: Primož Trubar, začetnik slovenske književnosti (1508-1586). Utemeljitev strokovne in znanstvene publicistike. V: Sto slovenskih znanstvenikov. Ljubljana, 1987, str. 15-16. Janez Bogataj, Potica iz Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2013. Trubar's Catechismus, Ljubljana, 1935. Primož Trubar, Abecedarium 1550, Ljubljana, 1966. Web links: Rajhman, Jože: Trubar, Primož (1508-1586). V: Slovenski biografski leksikon. 83