Knowledge without frontiers Knowledge Without Frontiers | Page 64

This bust of Jožef Stefan, the work of sculptor Jakob Savinšek, is in front of the Jožef Stefan Institute. Technical Museum of Slovenia. Photo: Sanja Živković. STEFAN'S PROBLEM Towards the end of his life, Stefan returned to thermodynamics and began researching the phase transitions between states of matter (wa- He started publishing Slovenian poems in ter-ice) and the evolution of the boundary be- various newspapers while in secondary school, known as the Stefan problem and is used in the youth he was an avid singer; subsequently he tween both phases. The phenomenon became modelling and control of the solidification of melted metals in the metallurgical industry. 64 Artistic soul and he played music throughout his life. In his learned to play the violin and towards the end of his life he even made one himself.