Knowledge without frontiers Knowledge Without Frontiers | Page 63

Molten iron in an iron works. TEMPERATURE OF THE SUN Stefan is best known for the theory of black body radiation, which states that the total density of the energy flow from a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its ther- modynamic temperature. He put his equation to practical use in order to estimate the tem- perature of the Sun’s surface. By analysing experimental data, in 1879 he determined the best approximation thereof until then, 5,500 degrees Celsius (5,780 K). Interestingly, he was one of the first to use the Kelvin scale, which does not have negative values and starts at Prominences on southwest limb of the sun 1900. Creative commons. -273 degrees Celsius, absolute zero, at which all movement of the fundamental building blocks of matter ceases. The mathematical validation of the equation was provided by his student Ludwig Boltzmann five years later. The Stefan- -Boltzmann law is the only law in physics disco- vered by and named after a Slovenian. 63