Knowledge without frontiers Knowledge Without Frontiers | Page 35

When Anton Peterlin received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ljubljana in 1988, his bust, the work of sculptor Marjan Keršič-Belač, was erect- ed in front of the Jožef Stefan Institute. Technical Museum of Slovenia. Photo: Sanja Živković. Peterlin had many passions aside from his work, including hiking and skiing. Personal collection. Literature: Anton Peterlin, exhibition curated by Stanislav Južnič, TMS, September 24, 2008 Sitar, Sandi: 100 slovenskih znanstvenikov, Ljubljana, 1987. Bukošek, Vili, Peterlin-Neumaier, Tanja, Stepišnik, Janez, Strnad, Janez, Svetina, Saša, Peterlin, Anton: Anton Peterlin 1908-1993 : življenje in delo = his life and work. Ljubljana. [uredili Vili Bukošek ... et al.] : Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti : Institut Jožef Stefan, 2008. 35