Knowledge without frontiers Knowledge Without Frontiers | Page 116

SLOVENIA CELJE-LJUBLJANA JULY 12, 1908 At 5 in the morning I continued along my I went up to the castle, which is in the centre of along the way, which came in very handy for it bljanica winding below it. From the top there perennially winding road. There were springs all was exceptionally hot and there was no breeze. It was quite a journey to get from Sv. Martin to Kamnik. I was already starting to get homesick and because I had been perspiring so much I hopped on the local train, which got me to Lju- bljana for 35 kreutzer at a ΒΌ to 12. What I saw was that the entire city had been rebuilt after the last earthquake, it was quite lovely. In the afternoon 116 the city at about 200 metres, with the river Lju- are beautiful vistas in all directions, in particular Mount Rak in the north, whose peak reaches up to 1031 m. The mountain is completely barren and very popular with tourists; it is also called Steinische Alpen. There is a tram plying the main roads of the city. The city has a school for girls on the frontage of which proverbs are carved in re- lief letters.