Know Your Rights: A Student's Guide to Pro-Israel Activism AJC_Students_Rights_eBOOK | Page 6

As you read , we recommend you keep in mind two important distinctions that run throughout this guide . First , remember that not all manifestations of antisemitism are illegal . Due to the protections of the First Amendment , you may encounter instances of antisemitic speech that don ’ t cross the line into harassment or other forms of prohibited conduct . You will , therefore , often have to rely on tools other than legal action or a university ’ s disciplinary intervention when confronting some instances of anti-Jewish prejudice . Of course , when you are confronted with violent or physically harmful antisemitic conduct , including instances of harassment , threats , or vandalism , it is reasonable to expect ( and in some cases , demand ) that your university or other authorities take action .
Second , while an unfortunately large part of the campus discussion of Israel is poorly informed , not all criticism of Israel or anti-Israel activity is antisemitic . Discussion and criticism of Israel and its policies is a legitimate part of civil discourse . Of course , that does not mean that you should ignore antisemitism when it comes cloaked in anti- Israel rhetoric . Nor does it mean that everything every well-meaning person says about Israel is wise , factually accurate , or insightful . But understanding diverse perspectives and debating divergent ( and often incorrect ) views is an important part of how we learn . A thoughtful , respectful debate about Israeli policies — alongside similar debates about other countries ’ policies — can be a sign of a vibrant and healthy university intellectual life .