Know Your Rights: A Student's Guide to Pro-Israel Activism AJC_Students_Rights_eBOOK | Page 26



People of the State of California v . Sayeed

The University of California at Irvine invited Michael Oren , the Israeli ambassador to the United States , deliver a speech on campus . The Muslim Student Union (“ MSU ”) planned a coordinated effort to disrupt the ambassador ’ s speech . Beginning about 37 seconds into Ambassador Oren ’ s remarks , volunteers interrupted repeatedly according to a prearranged plan . Individual MSU volunteers would stand up and shout prewritten anti-Israel statements , and each statement was followed by loud cheering and clapping by planted audience members .
After each disruption , volunteers were removed and detained by the police . By the time the entire group had left the ballroom , however , the ambassador had only 12 minutes remaining . The intent and effect of the disruptions was not simply to express disagreement , but to prevent Oren from speaking or being heard .
The students who helped organize the disruption were prosecuted and convicted by a jury for conspiring to violate a California criminal law prohibiting the disruption of a public meeting or assembly . In their appeal , the disruptors argued they had a First Amendment right to disrupt Ambassador Oren ’ s speech . The appeals courts rejected the argument and upheld the students ’ convictions , noting that the right of free speech “ does not embrace a right to snuff out the free speech of others .”