KNOW, the Magazine for Paralegals Spring 2014 | Page 19

The Right to Practice Law Should disbarred attorneys be able to get paralegal jobs? KNOW Columnists explore the question. Stacey Hunt: Do you remember Stephen Glass? I didn’t, until I read an article in the New York Times on January 27, 2014 by Julie Bosman, entitled “California Denies Scorned Journalist Stephen Glass Right to Practice Law.” Mr. Glass was the infamous journalist who was exposed in 1998 of fabricating some or all of the articles he wrote for Rolling Stone, George, and other publications. Mr. Glass subsequently attended law school, but was told by the New York Bar not to bother applying for a license to practice there. He moved to California, passed that Bar exam in 2006, but was found morally unfit to practice law and was denied a license in 2009. So what is Mr. Glass doing for employment these days? You guessed it – he is working as a paralegal. His attorney, Arthur Margolis, was asked by Ms. Bosman if Mr. Glass would continue to work as a paralegal in light of a recent California Supreme Court ruling upholding the denial of his license, and Mr. Margolis responded, “I don’t see why not.” 19