KNITmuch Issue 1 | Page 49

Cast on 36 stitches and work in a k1 p1 seed stitch for an inch ending on a wrong side row. Continue in seed stitch for 4 sts, place marker, knit row one of the chart below, place marker and finish last four sts in seed stitch. Continue starting with 4 sts in seed stitch then work the next pattern row. I would suggest knitting until the cowl is 18'' in length to give you a nice snug fit to keep you warm on a cold winter day. If you prefer a looser fitting cowl, do as many repeats as you feel comfortable with. When you’re ready to do the buttonholes, stop the chart after row 8 and re-establish your seed stitch. Knit half an inch in seed stitch then place your buttonholes accordingly. Row 1: Knit 4 sts in seed stitch pattern, then bind off three stitches, knit 10 more sts in seed stitch and bind off three, knit 9 sts in seed stitch pattern, bind off three and finish last four sts in seed stitch. Row 2: Continue in seed stitch pattern until you reach the bound off areas and cast on two sts using the backwards loop method. Work in seed stitch for another half inch and bind off. Make sure you re-establish the seed stitch after the buttonholes properly or your seed stitch will turn into a rib stitch. Now all you have left to do is sew on your buttons! This cowl perfectly covers the space your jacket leaves open to the unforgi