Knight Life | Page 15

(X-mas cont. from pg 16) Both children praised Canadian cuisine such as poutine (fries with cheese curds and gravy) and moose-milk (an adult beverage made with ice cream, favored among the Canadian armed forces). They also enjoy roast beef, meat pies, and maple sugar pie. The adults speak French-Canadian and exchange many happy wishes of “Bon Noël” (Merry Christmas!). When the Chambers family does not travel to Canada, they bring the merriment to the US. Malec and Eva told us that their parents enjoy organizing Christmas parties for the Canadian service men women

at the base (complete with poutine and moose-milk, of course). On the Dec. 24, they go to mass and then have a small family meal. Then on Christmas day, they go to see family, open presents and build a snowman. Often, they travel to Colorado to celebrate with more extended family. They stay and enjoy skiing and other winter activities. Sometimes, the family visits them in Texas, and if the weather is right, they might just jump in the pool, quite a change from Canadian winter.

And finally we go to the European countries of Denmark, Romania, Poland, and Germany where Marius Brandorff-Hansen, Maria Pojoga, Emma Gazdik, and Charlie Zecha all have family. Marius Hansen is a 9th grader at Notre Dame. Marius’s family hails from Denmark. On Christmas eve, they dance around a Christmas tree and open presents. They sing carols in Danish, one of which is called Nisse far og Nisse Mor ((X-mas cont. on pg 16) Christmas dinner the family eats duck, rice pudding hearts, and Danish cookies.

The Chambers family enjoying some winter fun while celebrating the Christmas holidays. From left to right, back to front: Rhett , Martine, Laura (1st), Eva (4th), and Malec (5th)

and on earth peace...