Kiosk Solutions Oct-Nov 2016 | Page 35

tablet kiosk solutions
Self-service payment terminals One of the biggest industries within the technological revolution is payment , with contactless and Apple Pay requiring vendors to constantly adapt . Alongside these developing payment types , selfservice payment terminals are becoming the expected norm for any retailer . The space required for two checkouts , vs the space for up to 6 self-service terminals , promises businesses that their floor space is being maximised , while ensuring that the consumer feels their time is being appreciated with the option of an express checkout .
As more and more retailers invest in self-service terminals , a wider range of consumers are interacting with selfservice applications and are therefore more likely to utilise self-service in different situations . From government offices to local libraries , users are becoming less sceptical about filling in forms or returning books using selfservice kiosks , thanks to the influx of self-service payment terminals .
While it ’ s advisable to have an attendant in some scenarios , most situations such as car parking kiosks , do not require any assistance . Consumers are becoming cashiers , car parking attendants , banking tellers and more , thanks to self-service , and this new rise in control is proving popular with an increasingly security conscious society . businesses take advantage of the potential that mobile provides . From pre-ordering your Starbucks order via their app , to paying with Apple Pay on iPhones , businesses are already merging online with in-store . By investing in apps that remind consumers of discounts or special offers , business can ensure that they are able to communicate with their customers at any time .
With loyalty schemes going digital , self-service tablet kiosks will always remember to upsell products and can also display personalised marketing to each individual user from the data collected . Now each customer can have a highly unique experience , while businesses are able to upsell products and collect valuable data about their customers and their purchasing habits .
Maximising self-service Self-service is a wide reaching solution and can be applied everywhere from interactive maps to car parking terminals , self-service isn ’ t just for payment points and check-in desks – any scenario that can be made more efficient and save on resources can be achieved through this technology . Whether that ’ s checking in at an airport , dropping your car keys off for a service , or booking activities at a hotel .
The cost of a self-service kiosk is vastly less expensive than the hiring process , training and insurance of a single employee , and is available 24 / 7 to meet consumer demands . Whether it ’ s a reception desk check-in point , or a charity donation station , self-service is about self-sufficiency and empowerment for the user .
Benefits for everyone The capabilities self-service provides through tablet kiosks ensures that both businesses and consumers are getting the most out of their experience . By using a stylish , simple and engaging tablet kiosk , businesses are able to invest in both their customers and their future . As the capabilities of technology increases , so do consumers expectations , and future proofing with a self-service tablet kiosk ensures that business are suitably prepared for any new development . n
Mobile and Self-Service Three billion people are connected to the Internet by mobile , and technology is now an expected element of any transaction . This ensures that the majority of users will not need any assistance when using self-service tablet kiosks , therefore the number of staff required is dramatically reduced . With nearly two and a half billion smartphones in the pockets of consumers , it ’ s important that
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