Kiosk Solutions Dec-Jan 2018-19 | Page 22

hospitality your hotel or resort, human interactions and ease of use have to come first, technology has to come second. According to data collected from the IBM Survey and Kiosk Marketplace Surveys, this is what your digital-first guest looks like today; 88% expect digital engagement, 61% are willing to use a completely automated experience, 78% say their experiences using an automated service was positive, and 52% indicated that they prefer self-service tech over human interaction. "The front desk is now a lobby of beautiful interactivity with hosts available to help" So, where do you start? Identify the moments that can drastically alter your guest’s perception of the experience. These moments might seem obvious, but a Cornell Hospitality Study has shown that you can have two identical 22 KIOSK solutions hotels, equally beautiful, pleasant, and comfortable, and one single thing can affect your customer’s satisfaction by up to 47%: check-in time. If the wait time to check-in is over 5-minutes, your customers don’t just dislike it, they hate it. A frictionless experience The first thing to focus on is making sure that wait doesn’t happen – let guests check-in themselves. Start with your most valuable customers and make the first check-in moments streamlined. Perhaps make this visible to other customers to encourage loyalty. Second, think about all the moments after check-in where your hotel policies/procedures might serve as an inhibitor to your guest getting to what they want to do. Perhaps it’s too long waiting at the lift, it’s too complicated to order room service, too complicated to check-out, difficult to get the Internet password or find the concierge. Whatever the issue, identify those friction points and start fixing them. By the way, it doesn’t always have to be a