Kiosk Solutions Dec-Jan 2018-19 | Page 18

opinion The future of kiosks Everyday someone is coming up with a new IoT Kiosk to enrich our lives and the future looks bright By Aaron Reeder, Sales Manager – Each of us is entrenched in the vast world of technology, whether we know it or not. Moore’s Law suggests that computer processing speed doubles every 18 months. Some experts believe that gap is narrowing in many tech areas. On a daily basis, it's not uncommon for us to encounter new concepts of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications and glance over them as if they’ve always been a part of our lives. The digital sign outside of your favourite outlet store or the self-checkout system at your local hardware store, these are all IoT devices. Go back fifteen years from now and it was a print billboard, an in-person checker, and a cashier sitting in a booth 18 KIOSK solutions to take your money and let you leave. These subtle changes are happening around us every single day and most of us fail to notice them. IoT is very real and as a society, we’ll continue to become reliant on machines to handle many of our daily activities. A personal experience I spent some time in Southern California recently and had my first encounter with ordering my McDonald’s food through a kiosk. In full disclosure, and coming from someone who is fairly tech savvy, the process wasn’t as seamless as one would hope. In a traditional fast food ordering scenario, you can step up and complete a detailed order for multiple individuals and pay for their food all within the matter of roughly one minute. To order for two on the kiosk, I had to identify different sections for the different types of food, find the exact item, review the ingredients to add or