Kindi's Journey Kindi's Journey: Week 40 | Page 7


Baptist Health
Does My Child Have Sleeping Issues ?
Does your child snore at night , have pauses in breathing , toss and turn in bed , or often breathe through the mouth during sleep ? All of these may be signs of obstructive sleep apnea .
Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing during sleep . It usually is caused by something blocking the upper airway . Pediatric sleep apnea is most common between the ages of 2 and 8 .
Symptoms in children include the following :
• Snoring , often associated with pauses , snorts , or gasps
• Heavy breathing while sleeping
• Restless sleep or sleeping in unusual positions
• Bedwetting
• Daytime sleepiness
• Behavior problems
For Safe Sleep , infants and children under one should only sleep Alone on their Back and in a Crib . The crib shouldn ’ t have bumpers , pillows , toys or blankets to prevent suffocation .
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