SPECIAL AREAS @ KIDS INDIA 2018 The motive behind creating these special pavilions is to maximize the ROI (return of investment) on your visit to Kids India. We do all the research and compile the relevant and most important information which is then presented to you in the most tangible way possible at Kids India. Let’s take a tour through these special areas! Fostering creativity of the child is a trend in itself among the millennial parents making Express Your- self the other trend. “If everything is only ready to play, children will stop using their creativity.” says Sheetal Razadaan. Wonder what are the trending products that meet this need of today’s Indian parent? The TrendingNow Pavilion features the latest trends: TECH TOYS and EXPRESS YOURSELF. As the name suggests “Tech Toys” are the toys / play tools based on technology. Neha Markhande says, “Since children are anyway engrossed in technology these days, why not have toys that they can play with and learn from?” Well witness them, touch them and explore them to get the first hand information and experience of these carefully selected special products which is exactly what your customer is looking for! So, do visit TRENDINGNOW pavilion at Kids India 2018 at stand no.: A28 Creating Dreams…Inspiring Dreamers *O*OEJB (SFFO(PME"OJNBUJPOJTBOBNFTZOPOZNPVTUPDSFBUJOHPSJHJOBMBOJNBUJPODPOUFOUBOENBLJOHIFSPFTMJLF $IIPUB#IFFN 4VQFS#IFFNBOE.JHIUZ3BKV"QSPWFOUSBDLSFDPSEPGZFBSTJOGVTFEXJUIBSPCVTUUFBN TUBUFPG BSUTUVEJPTBOEBHMPCBMWJTJPONBLFT(SFFO(PMEBMFBEFSBOEQBUICSFBLFSJOUIFXPSMEPG*OEJBOFOUFSUBJONFOU "OJNBUJPOM-JDFOTJOHM.FSDIBOEJTJOHM5SBEJOHM3FUBJMM&WFOUTM(BNFTM&DPNNFSDF B6I>DCEki#AiY# ćF1MBUJOB UI'MPPS "#MPDL ,POEBQVS3PBE "1)# (BDIJCPXMJ )ZEFSBCBE 5FMBOHBOB */%*"1I  &NBJMSFUBJM!HSFFOHPMEUW