Kiawah Island Digest May 2017 | Page 11

May 2017 11

Keep Our Turtles Safe : Lights Out May - October

Loggerhead sea turtle nesting season is almost here . Nesting activity typically begins in mid-May , and female turtles will continue coming ashore to nest until August . Nests will begin hatching in July and finish by October .
During nesting season , it ’ s important that we do all we can to protect this threatened species from any further perils . To avoid unintentional harm to these beautiful creatures , follow these tips during nesting season :
• If your property is visible from the beach , turn out all exterior lights ( flood and deck ) from dusk to dawn .
• If any interior lights are visible from the beach or cast light on the beach , close blinds or drapes at 9 p . m . or turn them off .
• Flashlights should not be used on the beach at night during nesting season . Do not carry flashlights or play flashlight tag on the beach .
• Fill in large holes dug on the beach at the end of the day , as adults and hatchling sea turtles can become trapped in them .
• Observe sea turtles quietly from a distance - never disturb a nesting sea turtle or hatchlings .
• Do not shine lights on a sea turtle , including cell phones and flash photography .
Help keep Kiawah special and our turtles safe by following these guidelines or sharing them with family , friends and vacation rental guests . Learn more about Kiawah ’ s Loggerhead population at wildlifeatkiawah . com .

Onboard with Duane Lapp , Owner of Tidal Trails

Since 1997 , Tidal Trails has been offering a variety of outdoor activities to people on Kiawah and the surrounding islands . The KICA Recreation Department contracts with Tidal Trails to let members and guests explore Kiawah from the water through outdoor programs , guided nature tours and instruction . Their programs include creek and ocean kayaking , stand-up paddleboarding ( SUP ) tours and lessons , and the Kiawah Island Surf School located at the Sandcastle .
Tidal Trails ' new owner , Duane Lapp , may well be living the American dream . He owns and operates a business that centers on his passions : boats , wildlife , sunsets , people . On Jan . 1 , 2017 , Duane purchased the company , moved to a new home on the Abbapoola Creek and has never looked back . With him Duane brought years of experience in leading tours along the
waterways around Hilton Head Island . He is a United States Coast Guard Master Captain and worked as a skipper with The Dolphin Project in Savannah . He has been a powerboat owner and avid kayaker for over 40 years . He owned and operated similar businesses in Hilton Head for over a decade .
Tidal Trails Surf camps and lessons are available throughout the year . If you prefer a leisurely cruise , you can join them for a guided boat tour of the Kiawah River and surrounding tidal creeks on their comfortable motorboat .
For reservations or more information , contact Tidal Trails at 843-768-5680 or visit tidaltrailskiawah . com .
Article contributed by Digest Member Volunteer Shauneen Hutchinson .