KHDA Report: Private Education in Dubai 2015/2016 | Page 4

Growth of students in each grade since 2014/15 Pre-KG FS1 5.7K G4/ Y5 20.5K 6% KG1/ FS2 23K KG2/ Y1 25.8K 3% G5/ Y6 19.1K 6% G6/ Y7 18K 3% G1/ Y2 25.1K 5% G7/ Y8 16.9K 4% G8/ Y9 15.9K 6% G2/ Y3 23.8K 6% G9/ Y10 14.7K 7% G3/ Y4 22.1K 7% G10/ Y11 G11/ Y12 G12/ Y13 13.5K 5% 11.2K 2% 9.3K 6% In Dubai, happiness and heart are as important as academics. 265,299 Students 10 Oct Most popular birthday among students in Dubai 02 | Private Education in Dubai 2015/16 5.6% Student enrolment growth 63% 58% Emirati students in private schools of Grade 4 students read at least 30 minutes a day outside of school