Kgolo Mmogo Booklet | Page 169

Discuss the objects that can be put into a memory box -A person's life history -Her family tree -Pictures and objects of the things liked by the mother, e.g., music, food, clothes, perfume -Programmes, pictures -Information about her life-line -Information about likes and dislikes, e.g., clothes, food, movies -Information about your belief system and religion -Family photos -Important documents -The mother's wishes and dreams -Collages -Hand prints -Etc. Note to the Facilitator: Discuss the rest of the session where the mothers and children will start making their own memory boxes. In this session they will only have time to make hand prints and to explain the hand prints to the children. In next week's session the activities will continue. Explain that the children know that they are making a memory box, but that the mother's status will not be revealed to them. It is up to the mothers if they want to tell their children about their status. The memory-box exercise will be explained to the children as follows: "We are going to take this box and tell the story of your life and your family's lives on and in the box." Take photos of the mother-child pairs and explain that these photos will be given to them next week to put into their memory boxes. 166 Children The KGOLO-MMOGO PROJECT