Kgolo Mmogo Booklet | Page 162

Mothers and children feed each other with Smarties. Discuss today's session with each other. Explain to children that the groups will split up for 15 minutes to discuss today's session. Activity 3: SEPARATE GROUPS (15 minutes) MOTHER GROUP Discussion: - Was your communication and interaction with your child as it is at home? - Were there any surprises? - What was your favorite activity? Why? - What was your least favorite activity? Why? - What do you think your child liked best? Why? - What do you think your child liked least? Why? - What works in your relationship and needs to be encouraged? - What did you learn from today's activities? CHILD GROUP 1. Discussion: - How did you experience playing with your mother? - What was the best part of your time with your mother and why? - What part of the activities did you not enjoy with your mother? Why? - What did you learn from today's activities? 2. Play the ball game if time allows (children may choose the ball game). 3. Climbing up the T &VRW