Kgolo Mmogo Booklet | Página 124

1. Question: Answer: Somebody you know touches you and you don't want them to. You want them to stop. Should you A. Let them do it because you know them? B. Tell them to stop? C. Tell them to stop and tell your parents? C. Tell them to stop and go tell your parents. Remember the thing to do is to "Run and tell immediately". 2. Question: Answer: There are some fun kids at your school or in your neighbourhood who use drugs and sniff glue. Should you A. Stay away from them? B. Play with them without taking any drugs: C. Play with them once in a while? 3. Question: You are leaving school. A stranger comes up and says, "Your Mom is sick. I've come to drive you home. Should you A. Say "OK" and get in the car? B. Look away and keep walking? C. Run back into school and tell a teacher? 4. Question: A stranger says to you, "Be quiet and come with me." Should you A. Go with the stranger? B. Say "No!" C. Run and tell someone you trust? 5. Question: You are playing with a knife and accidentally cut yourself. What do you do? A. Don't tell your parents in case you get a hiding. B. Tell your parents so that they can treat your cut. C. Try to treat the cut yourself. 6. Question: You are sick or have had an accident. What telephone number would you phone? 7. Question: A grown-up tells you that you are a bad person if you won't do what they want you to do - even though it makes you feel uncomfortable. Should you A. Do what they want because you just might be a bad person for refusing a grown-up? B. Say "NO" and keep it a secret in case people will think you are a bad person? C. Say "NO "and tell your parents? 8. Question: HIV Answer: C. Run back into school and tell a teacher, or the principal. Also try to remember the number of the car. Ask your Mom who she would ask to fetch you if she did get sick. Answer: C. is the right answer. You must say "NO!", but you must also get away from there and tell someone you trust. In other words - Run and tell immediately. Exercise in group: Everybody has a turn to say "NO" loudly. Answer: B. Even if you might get a hiding, always tell your parents if you are hurt in any way. They know best how to help you. Answer: The telephone number to phone in case of sickness or an accident is: Tel:…………………………… Answer: C. You are not a bad person for saying "No" to someone like that. Your parents will tell you that you are a very good person for telling them about it. Exercise: Everybody has a turn to say "NO" loudly. Answer: It is late at night. Should you A. Go out alone? B. Not go out? C. Go out with a friend and carry a torch? Intervention Programme for the ENHANCEMENT OF CHILDREN'S RESILIENCE A. You should ALWAYS stay away from them because you might be tempted to try drugs and once you start, it is difficult to stop. It's OK to say 'No'. B. Never v