Keystone Prospectus Chinese Version English Version | Page 12

special campus weekends in which the entire middle and high school student body and faculty spend the weekend at Keystone for fun, learning, teamwork, bonding and relaxing. It is a terrific way for middle school day students to preview the boarding experience. T H E K E Y S T O N E WAY Our Shared Values Welcome to Your House If you have ever read the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, you will be familiar with the concept of belonging to a “House” — a smaller community that allows deeper friendships and camaraderie to flourish. All of Keystone’s students and teachers belong to one of five houses that take their names and characters from the Five Elements in Chinese philosophy (See the diagram below). how the Five Confucian Traditional Virtues provide the foundation and empathy in our relationships with others. and sense of balance. ● L I 礼 RESPECT We value the norms and expectations for social behavior in our community and beyond. Earth (土 Tŭ) We are loyal, idealistic and ambitious. Water (水 Shuĭ) Metal (金 Jīn) We are clever and scholarly and good at keeping secrets. We lead orderly, principled lives. Quality is our creed. ● Z HI 智 WISDOM We accept the wisdom of others while diligently pursuing personal enrichment and knowledge. ● X IN 信 HONEST Y Our community members tell the truth, act with integrity and live up to the highest of expectations. In the IB Design curriculum, students are able to develop their own innovative ideas. 12 young school. Keystone students have already achieved first place student-led community service initiatives. Diligence and hard work are our mottos. and lead by example. interests from filmmaking to robotics. A healthy ambition drives our activism, participating in poetry contests, and launching many Wood (木 Mù) We will be self-governing, accept responsibility for our actions the resources and opportunities to launch clubs devoted to their debating skills, leading the way in campus-wide environmental ● Y I 义 JUSTICE We act rationally and fulfill our responsibilities courageously and with determination, steadfast in our integrity arts, theatre, student council, and community service. Students have student newspaper, staging our first theatrical productions, developing for our behavior and interactions. ● R EN 仁 COMPASSION We act with kindness, understanding Beyond studies, school days include team athletics, music, the visual On campus, they are role models for future students, founding our first We have magnetic and attractive personalities with happy and excited temperaments. responsibility. Please visit our website for a fuller understanding of Healthy Role Models wins in academic and athletic competitions with other schools. Fire (火 Huŏ) Our community offers unique privileges and also implies shared T H E K E Y S T O N E WAY