Keystone Magazine | Page 27

Q: Students should begin to discuss DP Year 11 subject choices with their families, peers and advisors in Grade 10. This will allow the student and family sufficient time to make informed decisions. As Head of High School for Keystone Academy, what measures will you take to increase a parent’s understanding of the DP? A: There are various ways of accomplishing this. On a very direct level, parent information sessions are a common part of IB schools. These sessions are not just a quick journey through the program, but they offer detail on specific aspects of the program and are hands on. And they are given, if they are needed, on whatever kind of topic. For example, there can be an Extended Essay parent information session. I know that we want to produce a regular newsletter available in different languages to keep parents up-to-date to with specific events. We can use this communication to say a little more about the DP as well. Personally, I would like to look at using blogs too. The website will also contain a lot of the fundamental information, which does not really change, about the DP such as courses available, and information explaining the TOK, and the Extended Essay, etc. We will have to publish policies as well. Policies that explain what language choices are available, how we support students in language development, and assessment policies, for example. All of our policies need to be quite detailed, published and made available to parents. Additionally, we will have a program handbook for parents with lots of information. And of course, parents can always come and visit us at the school at any time. Q: What role/function will the College Counseling Program play at Keystone? How is Keystone’s Leadership Team working to develop this program? A: Keystone has made a strong commitment to have a robust college counseling program. And that means appointing the best people with the best contacts and supporting them fully in developing that. We have already brought together a Leadership Team whose members know decision makers at top universities in the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. In the second year of operation, we plan to appoint a team of expert college counselors who themselves