Keystone Magazine | Page 20

Interview Q: How can the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) be best implemented within the framework of the Bilingual Immersion Program? A: The theories within the IPC like discovery, inquiry, and international mindedness are no different from any immersion program, so it will fit very well. Everything in the IPC is integrated – students are not learning in isolation – and students have the ability always to ask new questions. This is good teaching practice and is consistent with what we will accomplish with our Bilingual Immersion Program. In terms of implementation, we will need to decide, within each unit, which language will be used to teach each concept. And we will need to ensure that no concepts are repeated – if the theme is to study about seasons in English, for example, students may be talking about the seasons in English, but will use Chinese to talk about any related topics to seasons. The concepts and skills that students acquire will be transferrable between languages and act to reinforce, but they will not be studied twice in two languages. Mary Jew with (left to right) Dr. Leo Gomez, Dr. Santiago Wood, and Dr. Libia Gil, Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), U.S. Department of Education and Dr. Karen Cadiero-Kaplan, California State Department of Education, U.S. “At Keystone, we will use the language as a tool to deliver knowledge.” Q: Many Chinese parents may not be familiar with bilingual immersion and the IPC. What measures will you take to increase parent’s understanding of Keystone’s primary school curriculum? A: Research shows, and I know from personal experience, that successful schools are ones that have a lot of parental involvement; parents are informed. So we will work to inform parents in many different ways. We will conduct information and partnership workshops for the parents. Information workshops may involve parents in the same lessons and activities t