Keystone Magazine | Page 8

Message from the Head of School One SEMESTER, Four MONTHS, Many MOMENTS. D efining moments, let me see… there have been so many. I cannot choose only one. Here are just a few: • Meeting new teachers, so many of them, getting to know them and realizing the excellence of the faculty and their commitment to our school. • Welcoming the President of Pomona College to our campus and listening to him talk to parents about the importance of the Liberal Arts and what they bring to the rich academic recipe that we are putting together here at Keystone. • Being dismayed that we could not open on time, and then understanding that this was not the end of the world, just a delayed start to a new world. • The young children in the Primary School getting used to me and greeting me so warmly, and with such a variety of inventive names, as they enter the school gates each morning. • Appreciating that chemical pollution inside buildings can be more important than air pollution outside. • Swimming with and against Chinese Olympians, and world record holders, in our own Keystone pool. • Sleeping in my apartment on campus for the first time. • our Parent Teacher Forming Association, and electing our first committee with such joy and enthusiasm. • Dedication Day on September 20, with my wife Judith receiving a special gift from founder trustee Yang Yanling, with the orchestra playing so beautifully after only twelve days of school, and the tears in the eyes of some parents as our students raised the Chinese flag. • Being captivated by our first classical music concert, with cello maestro Feng Yao. • The quick development of the residential program, and the even quicker ways in which our boarders have blossomed and matured. Another defining moment, as the semester has come to a close, has been to write an end-of-term letter to the school community, inclusive of teachers, students, and parents. Here is the body of that letter, reproduced in this different context of our Keystone magazine. Below are some of the thoughts and things that have defined our first semester, for me. Allow me to quote: • Our first community dinner as a group of residential students and adults. During these past few months I have found that I am, at last, understanding • Hearing the Princeton Tigertones sing so harmoniously and then join in graciously with our own student choir. 4 The Keystone Magazine what I have committed myself to, what we have all committed ourselves to. We have come to the end of our first semester as a brand new school. What a journey this has been. Although I have wanted to help start a school for many years, I never thought that it would happen in such a spectacular way, and in China. If a friend had said to me three years ago that I would be living in Beijing, helping to open a trail-blazing school there, I would have smiled politely and shaken my head: ‘No way, you are crazy’. But here I am, and I am delighted to be here with all of you as we step out on this new road together. It is definitely one of the best moves of my working life. Like me, I am sure that almost all of you would have felt surprised, three years ago, if a friend had said that you would soon be participating as full members of this new Keystone community. Surprise can be a blessing, like the rain that ends dryness and drought. I have found that some of the finest things in life are those that you never thought would happen to you but that turn out to be exactly right when they open the door of opportunity. Such surprise describes my Keystone experience perfectly. I am sure that it does for many of you. Our school is a thrilling gift to all of us, the right school in the right place at the right time. Breathe deep, and savor what is happening here. Let’s make sure that we enjoy this surprising school.