Keystone Magazine | Page 69

“D ing-ding-dong,” sound the alerts from various Wexin (WeChat – Chinese online social networking forum) subscriptions or friends you follow. The incessant buzzing does not cease from 7am, as you roll out of bed to the alarm clock, the alluring smell of warm breakfast, and a full reserve of energy for the new day ahead. If you are like many socially-hyperactive people, your phone is with you like your shadow – while brushing your teeth, drinking coffee, waiting for red lights, or taking the subway, and you are equally glued to it scrolling and speed-reading the endless stream of WeChat messages and posts. It’s safe to say that many people are first drawn to WeChat by its novelty, or friends’ requests, and then cannot stop from compulsively checking for updates. The novelty wears off soon enough, and the insipidness of the messages and posts begins to gnaw at you, and eventually users go cold turkey – they either turn off WeChat alerts or remove the application altogether. So, in today’s digital boiling pot spilling over with social media options that one could not possibly run out of, why should you take a spoonful of what Keystone Academy’s WeChat has to offer? 65