Keystone Magazine | Page 58

Page Turner M any titles in our primary and middle school libraries are available in both languages...This enables students to read the same book in both languages, thus improving reading and comprehension levels in both languages, and gaining better academic and cultural cognition. I n a time without books, if one could fathom such a time, when information, stories and histories passed from mouth to mouth, our libraries were only thoughts. But today, libraries are the guardians of both our minds and souls. Libraries are truly portals to the horizons of our imaginations and beyond. They not only define our past as Ray Bradbury rightly notes, but also hold the beacon to our collective and individual futures. At Keystone we are conscious of this significance, and so our libraries form the core of the school – academically, socially, personally and collectively. More importantly, Keystone Libraries sits at the heart of the cultural crossroads of the school, especially because we are a bilingual school – Chinese and English – and we believe that both languages and associated cultures are equally important. Because of this we have the beginnings of a truly excellent library. The bilingual foundation and nature of the libraries make them the one and the only of their kind in Beijing, especially within a school setting. In addition to consistently and consciously being bilingual, the Chinese thread is also fundamental to the school’s ethos, and curricular and co-curricular edifice. It was the foremost determining factor in conceptualizing and setting up the Keystone Libraries. It recognizes, celebrates, and promotes the Chinese thread. We do this through our collections, subscriptions, and even staff members. We strive to balance English with Chinese in everything we do. Most international schools have only a small Chinese collection and English is the predominant language. Meanwhile, most Chinese schools have a small English collection and Chinese is the school language. We truly are attempting to do both at any given time – duality through language immersion, and bilingualism through our resources, subscriptions, people, and more. 54 The Keystone Magazine