Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 82

with Confucian values and with the values of Ren and Li . When children present their work or work together on a task , are they able to respect the views and efforts of others ? Are they able to appreciate the role others play in the task ? Are they able to make reasoned judgements ?
Cooperation – We recognise cooperation to be one of the fundamental 21st Century Skills . Understanding the roles that different people play and being able to work alongside and together with others to achieve targets and goals is an essential skill . In the Grade 1 Unit ‘ Our World ’, children are asked to work in a group to create a collage of a tree . Children need to plan , communicate , and work together to achieve the best outcome . We recognise the importance of cooperation and collaboration in today ’ s work . If we are to solve some of the deep issues and challenges that are before us this skill is essential .
Respect – Sadly , in the age of the self , of greed , of money and of social media , this seems to be a quality and characteristic that is diminishing . Can children make good decisions based upon their understanding of the needs of others ? Are they able to act in accordance with other living things and the environment ? In the Grade 5 Unit ‘ Making the News ’ students explore the role the ‘ paparazzi ’ play as they fill the pages of glossy magazines . Some key questions posed in this activity are : Do celebrities have the right to privacy ? Are the
The Keystone Magazine 079