Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 78

In Concersation With and cultivate the habit of communicating with teachers by email - especially with foreign teach- “no-division-of-labor” approach and always get the whole family involved. Why is that? ers, which is particularly important. Yuhan’s teachers reply to emails very timely and seri- Yuhan’s Mother: There is no division of labor in our ously. The atmosphere of the parent community family. Whether Yuhan is in after-school classes at Keystone is also very good. When we first joined or extracurricular activities, we try our best to take the school, many parents were very kind to us and part so that we can all learn together and witness offered us a lot of help. her growth. Yuhan’s Mother: When Yuhan’s teacher told us how Yuhan’s Father: For a child, the quality of com- Yuhan could improve herself, we paid very care- panionship is very important. When our children ful attention to that advice. Just a month into the make progress, no matter how little it may be, we school, Yuhan’s tutor and I discussed her academic are the ones that stand by their side to cheer them efforts. She said Yuhan was an open-minded and on. In addition, Keystone organizes every activity innocent child, but sometimes she could be rather with heart, quality and depth. These are invaluable blunt, which might cause misunderstandings that assets for both children and parents. she would not be aware of. After returning home, I reflected on the teacher’s words. My child is actu- ally a mirror of myself, and the problem with Yuhan is also my problem. I am a straightforward We thank Yuhan and her parents for agreeing person as well, and sometimes I have no idea that I to this family profile feature. Different families unintentionally hurt others. approach education differently, but one constant among our Keystone parents is the way they care That night, I told my child: “Some of my weak- for their children. Our families are both willing to nesses may have also affected you. For example, spend time and energy in supporting their chil- sometimes, I am not careful with my words, and dren, and to send them out into the world in order I do not think about the feelings of others; other to experience the trials and tribulations of life. times, I make inappropriate jokes at the wrong During these precious years of development and time... I need you to help me improve. I hope you growth, let’s be mindful and inspired. can supervise me.” She did not take my words too seriously at first, but in the following days, I paid particular attention to my way of speaking, and sometimes, I would deliberately use some wrong way of conversation with her in order to gauge her reaction, and make her feel and think how to respond in a way that is easier for others to accept. Our efforts have slowly made an impact on Yuhan. Not long after that, the teacher gave me feedback, and told me Yuhan had improved a lot. We often see your family participating together in school activities. In fact, in the modern society, both husband and wife are very busy, so they often take turns participat- ing in their child’s education and life. But you have chosen a The Keystone Magazine 075