Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 5

EditoriAl ovErSiGht Malcolm McKenzie Editor-iN-ChiEf Sabrina Liu WritErS ANd EditorS (ENGliSh) Franne Van der Keilen Bonsuk Awani WritErS ANd EditorS (ChiNESE) Amelie Wan Wang Zhao trANSlAtor Christine Shi StAff WritEr Gary Bradshaw PhotoGrAPhY Liu Zheng Dave’s Studio GrAPhiC dESiGN Tzu Ching SPECiAl thANkS Class of 2018, Song Yuhan, Diana Martelly, Du Jinghui, Xi Chuan, Zhou Guoping CovEr Photo Class of 2018 SuBmiSSioNS/SuBSCriPtioN/CommENtS: [email protected] AdmiSSioN iNquiriES: [email protected] EmPloYmENt iNquiriES: [email protected] droP BY ANd viSit uS iN PErSoN At: No.11 Anfu Street, Houshayu, Shunyi Beijing – 101318 for morE iNformAtioN, viSit: or CAll uS At: 010-80496008